‘Feeding the Horses’: modern slavery in The Archers

In our forthcoming, and fourth Academic Archers book, Flapjacks and Feudalism: Class Politics in The Archers, our co-founder, Dr Nicola Headlam, has a chapter about the current modern slavery storyline in The Archers. Here, Nicola writes on the subject as a precursor to her chapter, ‘Feeding the Horses’: Modern Slavery, the dark side of construction hidden in plain sight in Ambridge.

‘Feeding the Horses’: modern slavery in The Archers


Gavin (agitated): That’s not how some people will see it, Dad…They’ll say they are slaves.

Philip (growls): Don’t use that word.

(The Archers, broadcast 22nd May 2020)

The reveal, from May of this year,  that Philip and Gavin were colluding in using forced labour followed the accidental explosion in the kitchen at Grey Gables. Blake, the (then-nameless) worker on the spot had ignited a gas grill while using flammable chemicals as he was working on an empty stomach. ‘The Horses’ it emerged, are three vulnerable previously street homeless young men who the Mosses use as an unfree source of labour. They are British, with English as their first language, though talk with hesitancy and a lack of fluidity. They are highly vulnerable and have been ‘rescued’ from the ever-present dangers of rough sleeping. They are housed and fed by the Mosses (in this instance, not enough) and have been manipulated by them into believing that they should be grateful.   Since the end of formal lockdown measures where Gavin spent months with the young men it appears that the psychological mechanisms whereby he viewed them as non-human have slipped, not so for Philip who discussed the sale of a faulty horse with chilling matey-ness to an unknown connection.  This served to broaden out the issue. It is not that the mosses are psychopaths, acting alone. Such practices are rife, and normal for others too.

As I googled ‘what are the signs of modern slavery?’ the algorithm in my computer offered me the earlier searches ‘what are the signs of coercive control’ and ‘what are the signs of sepsis.’ The prompts made me smile, the big meaty public information storylines to have hit Ambridge in the past few years. All set up within long standing characters, vast amounts of public information imparted and the inevitable tussle between credulity as regards characterisation or in service of the drama. As always, when deploying ‘issues’ the scriptwriters engage with the relevant pressure groups, victim’s advocacy and NGOs in order to anchor the storyline. The Gangmasters Labour Authority this week GLAA were consulted by writers in developing credible modern slaves and they tweeted the link this week to a chilling public information film about recruiting ‘unfree’ workers, Trading the Horses. In it a female voice describes how easy it is to attract the vulnerable from drug rehab, homeless shelters and prisons. and in their helpful information we can see how far the young men being enslaved by Moss construction have been street homeless, that English is their first language but that they may have learning difficulties.

 It is made clear to us that Philip styles himself as their saviour rather than their exploiter, and how terrified Blake was during his stay in hospital showed the emotional and psychological grip exerted by Philip and Gavin over their charges. The Archers has shown some bravery in highlighting this issue with such a long build up (extended by the COVID-19 lockdown) and Philip growing in the village as a ‘decent bloke’ despite his sideline as a gangmaster and exploiter of modern slaves. It was telling that in exploring the truth underpinning the storyline I have learnt some truly horrible things about the dark side and how routine the exploitation of workers can be. As the quotation from the chair of the Chartered Institute of Builders, the contemporary incarnation of the very guilds and trades organisations which would have secured decent pay and conditions within early mercantilist capitalism there are the insidious tentacles of slavery within business models which squeeze margins at every point in the supply chain. In exploring how and why ‘the horses’ have ended up in Ambridge I followed the trail into the campaigning activities of various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and pressure groups who have been highly effective in bringing these elements of the black and grey economy to light. the prevalence of modern slavery speaks of a wider form of neoliberal necropolitics – in which logics of accumulation and hierarchies are played out on the bodies of workers. In this form of political economy social and emotional vulnerability and economic precarity combine together,  trapping those unable to escape exploitation. Victims may be of either gender, be British or from elsewhere and fall through all the cracks and safeguards upon which we all rely. I salute the scriptwriters for their careful examination of this horrible corner of the economy, the backs of those upon whom prosperity is built.



Not one but two calls for papers!

Two calls for papers at Academic Archers HQ - for the 2021 conference, and for the fifth book, on fandom.

Both listed below, with staggered deadlines.

Call for Papers – The Sixth Academic Archers conference on BBC Radio 4’s The Archers, February 2021 (online)

Dr Cara Courage and Dr Nicola Headlam invite the submission of abstracts to the sixth Academic Archers conference, to be held on 19-21 February 2021, at University of Felpersham, and The Bull and Brookfield Barn, Ambridge (aka, Zoom.)

The conference will feature a number of 15-minute papers, as well as 5 minute Quick Pitches, as well as seeking formats that work with the digital platform, such as film, audio and webinars, around the programme and issues contained therein, of BBC Radio4’s The Archers.

Submissions are invited from any academic discipline and subjects. Past papers have included:

·       ‘From the moment those two joined the committee it’s been grunge bands, sumo wrestlers and souffle competitions’ - What Ambridge’s civil society says about UK politics in 2019

·       Why are the residents of Ambridge so financially gullible and what can we do about it?

·       When the Script Hits the Fan: When Archers fans stop listening – and why they can’t completely keep away

·       Baddies in wheelchairs and the Disneyfication of Disability

This list is not meant to be proscriptive, exclusive or exhaustive, but is meant to inspire you to think how your academic research, sector professional expertise or listener forensic knowledge of The Archers can illuminate and explain life in Ambridge and Borsetshire as well as national and global rural issues. The conference is intended to give fans of The Archers a platform to exercise their love of the programme and their subject area and submissions for consideration are welcomed from those within academia and professional sectors, those working and retired and those with specialist knowledge of The Archers.

If you are a fellow The Archers fan and/or academic please submit your abstract of 200 words with a short biography to both cara@caracourage.net and headlams@gmail.com by 31 August 2020, indicating if you are proposing a paper (15 minutes), Quick Pitch (5 minutes) or other format. Please submit this as a Word attachment. Programming will be determined by an Academic Archers peer review panel and will be communicated from end-September 2020.

Further information on Academic Archers can be found at www.academicarchers.net/ where you will also find links to films of the 2017 and 2018 conferences.

Call for Chapters –Academic Archers book on BBC Radio 4’s The Archers fandom and teaching, learning and research, with Emerald 2021

Dr Cara Courage and Dr Nicola Headlam invite the submission of abstracts for consideration for the fifth Academic Archers book, published with Emerald, a dual aspect concern of BBC Radio 4’s The Archers and fandom studies, and of use of the programme in teaching, learning and research.

Confirmed book chapters include:

·       Fans, Flouncers, Fundamentalists: Customs and belief systems of The Archers online fanbase

·       Cult and Culture: Transformative Fandom de dum de dum de dum

·       Gauging Guerrilla Academia – Exploring the impact of the ‘Academic Archers’ conference

·       When the Script Hits the Fan: When Archers fans stop listening – and why they can’t completely keep away

·       The healing powers of everyday country folk: The Archers? Better than therapy!

This list is not meant to be proscriptive, exclusive or exhaustive, but is meant to inspire you to think how your academic activity on fandom, or your use of storylines or radio production techniques for example, can add to our understanding and value of life in Ambridge.

The book is aimed at an academic and professional audience. Submissions are invited from any academic discipline and subject and can be single or inter/transdisciplinary, anchored in research and/or theory. Chapters selected for the book are invited to present a paper at the sixth Academic Archers conference, February 2021.

This publication will be the fifth of the Academic Archers library, joining The Fall of the House of Aldridge: power, politics and family in Ambridge (Emerald, 2021), Gender, Sex and Gossip: Women in The Archers (Emerald, 2019), Custard, Culverts and Cake: Academics on life in The Archers (Emerald, 2017) and The Archers in Fact and Fiction: Academic Analyses of Life in Rural Borsetshire (Peter Lang, 2016.)

Emerald publishes monographs, handbooks, short form and professional content across a range of business, finance and social science disciplines. Its aim is to publish new and innovative research and practical content that meets the needs of researchers, students, educators and practitioners.

If you are a fellow The Archers fan and/or academic please submit your abstract of 200 words with a short biography to cara@caracourage.net by 31 July 2020.

Further information on Academic Archers can be found at www.academicarchers.net/ where you will also find links to films of the previous conferences, podcasts of the Saturday Omnibuses and publication information.



Nicola's intro to the 9 May Saturday Omnibus papers

This morning we have 2 absolute veterans of academic archers – and if we believed in hierarchies – which we don’t both are definitely honorary Professors of the university if Felperhsam and staunch supporters of Cara and I since the early days.

Both Helen  and Kathryn are serial offenders 😉 and absolute stalwarts – not only in terms of giving papers but of trailing across the country and world with offers of support and hugs. – The only year Helen did not present was in Sheffield and she remains our most decorated author. As well as a much loved friend.

We couldn’t go on without you ladies.

In a change to our advertised schedule Helen burrows is flying solo this morning with her wonderful paper on transformative fandumteedumteedum which heavily features the labour of love that is the archers cardigan.

However it would be remiss of me not to catalogue the wide range of topics upon which Helen has presented over the years. The first year it was a piece on using TA for teaching social work, An Everyday Story of Dysfunctional Families: Using The Archers in Social Work Education.

Social work students need to understand the difficulties that their future service users may experience. Learning is developed through lectures, seminars and workshops, and most of all through practice placements, but a real challenge for social work educators is how to show students the constant lived reality of families who have complex difficulties. An hour’s visit to a family only gives a snapshot of that point in time, and service users may be guarded in their behaviour when a professional visits. This chapter considers the educational value of the ‘fly-on-the-wall’ perspective of The Archers, in catching unguarded moments. Recently the Helen and Rob Titchener storyline has accurately portrayed domestic abuse and doubtful parenting. Other examples include the impact of rural poverty, caring for a relative through progressive Alzheimer’s disease, and issues of substance misuse and criminal behaviour. The chapter also considers the use of ‘fan pages’ in social media, as a method for in-depth discussion of students’ learning, and the discussion of social work values and ethics.

This piece fits into a general sense of unease about how the agencies of the state appear in the programme.

 In the survey we are conducting on social suffering, we encounter many people who, like that head-teacher, are caught in the contradictions of the social world, which are experienced in the form of personal dramas.  He is faced with contradictions which are the extreme case of those currently experienced by all those who are called ‘social workers’: family counsellors, youth leaders, rank-and-file magistrates, and also, increasingly, secondary and primary teachers. They constitute what I call the left hand of the state, the set of agents of the so-called spending ministries which are the trace, within the state, of the social struggles of the past. They are opposed to the right hand of the state, the technocrats of the Ministry of Finance, the public and private banks and the ministerial cabinets I think that the left hand of the state has the sense that the right hand no longer knows, or, worse, no longer really wants to know what the left hand does. In any case, it does not want to pay for it. 

We can see this playing out in our current situation  and this is in some sense the most profound articulation of the difference between neoliberalisation and the civil and public service ethos, value and ascribed to our “key workers”

But I digress. Helen has also served us more playful papers – the British Library security arrangements had to include how her morris troupe could access this auditorium for example, and who could forget their standard which she had so cleverly crafted?

It is in this vein that she appears this morning – exploring the crafts

We wrote about this in custard that fandom and creativity are closely aligned and I want to present helen’s contribution as part of The Fandom Gift Economy

Tasha Turk has discussed fandom as a “gift economy,” based not on money or on explicit exchanges of goods or services, but on giving, receiving, and reciprocating. She argues that the process of gift exchange  “is part of what makes it possible to experience and analyze fandom as a community, or rather an overlapping series of communities, rather than simply a large and shifting number of people occupying the same affinity space” (Turk 2014). In fandom, Turk argues that the most valued gifts are those which take time and/or skill to create. The value of those gifts, then, “lies not simply in the content of the gift, nor in the social gesture of giving, but in the labor that went into their creation” (Turk 2014).

According to Turk, fannish gifts include not only the most visible forms of creative output – fic, art, vids, etc. – but the “wide range of creative labors that surround and in some cases underlie these art objects” (Turk 2014). These include commenting on others’ art or writing, volunteering one’s editing skills to help a fanwriter, writing recommendations or reviews, organizing online challenges or exchanges, editing zines, planning conventions, creating websites for fannish activity, etc. The work which goes into maintaining the fandom ‘economy’ is related to the formation of fandom as a community: Turk describes fandom as a system “not just of reciprocal giving but of circular giving” (Turk 2014). Since most of the “gifts” described above are posted online (or published in a zine), not just sent to a specific person, the entire community (or whichever subset is interested) can be considered the recipient of the gift.


Nicola's intro to the 18 April Saturday Omnibus papers

Paths to the polling station at the village hall (Updated), from Tim Vercellotti

Professor V directs the Polling Institute at Western New England University. He previously directed survey research centers at Rutgers University and Elon University. He combined his serious research interests in psephology with being a committed anglophile and, of course, Archers obsessive.

He uses his comprehensive TA knowledge on the University's London Summer Program where he uses Ambridge as a lens for both British Media and Politics and National Identity in the U.K. Tim has been with us since the BL conference as he often  seems to  manage to combine research trips with AA… This paper is a revised version of a wonderful paper on political participation connecting the functioning of civil society organsiastions and their formalisation into political arenas

So maybe he can tell us what Councillor Grundy has been up to since she appeaers wholly focussed on her personal life at present.

Tim followed up on his original BL paper with a second piece in Reading this year turning to the social capital exerted through the building of political dynasties and is a firm favourite with the AA crowd  

As he is a American and a man he helps us to tick our diversity boxes with great aplomb. 

Fear, fecklessness and Freddie and Phillip: policing the crime wave, Charlotte Bilby

Charlotte B’s original paper; fear fecklessness and flapjacks was full of dark portents about criminality which have been largely borne out in the village ever since.

The crime wave in the title refers to the fact that there have indeed been some dodgy goings on recently. Not just Rob and Helen but mattsplat (it is yet to come out that Nic was the perpetrator of the hit and run lthat left matt crawfiord for dead). Jill’s outlandish escapade into criminal damage , Freddie the trustafarian drug dealer and Ed, whose misadventures with Tim Oatie have had lasting repercussions.  All have felt the long arm of the law as have Philip and Gav in this horrible Modern Slavery Storyline. J Cartwright is a firm AA fave (have you seeeeen him) his arrival in the village created quite the stir in the WI but while we await his cameo on ru paul’s drag race with his spice girls impression he has settled into cricket captaincy, and is even a member of the extended Archer Clan (with Kenton as his step-father-in law)

Charlotte’s love for I mean research interest in Harrison was fiully extended into her other paper for us “its burns burns burns – when the village policeman comes around” for our 2019 conference in Sheffield in a blatant pitch for the Samanths Grundy Cider with Grundy Award for best title. We could not resist and she was awarded the hotly contested prize.

 She has left the academy now and describes this award as the highpoint of her acacedmic career. Charlotte was an early adopter of the knitting craze that has swept through AA (trendsetter)

Nicola's intro to the 11 April Saturday Omnibus papers

AND an Easter Egg for you all. We have not QUITE recovered from this paper at the British Library conference.  From abstract stage the paper was completely fresh & unique. And we thought it would be fun to view it again under these bizarre circumstances. 

Insurgency - what can that teach Ambridge to prepare for pandemic?


James told us (in the pub) that he had had to feign his brother’s wedding to come to London to present…He further followed up with  ‘Counterinsurgency II: The podcast.’

James is an avid Archers fan, and currently a political advisor to the NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, and its there that he saw the potential for counter-insurgency in Ambridge.

This year James will develop his 2018 paper (‘Hearts and Minds in Borsetshire – Fighting Small Wars in Ambridge’) into an audio podcast, dramatising the counter-insurgency warfare scenario in Ambridge. In this invented scenario Ambridge is subject to a bitter insurgency fought by local guerrillas motivated by perceived economic and political grievances. The paper examines how an international force, led by the United States, would counter this insurgency and seek to pacify the population, using the counter-insurgency doctrine laid out in the US Army Counter-Insurgency manual.

Using actors and amateurs drawn from the academic, military and diplomatic communities, James will present the scenario as a real event, by doing so reinforcing the conclusions and recommendations he identified in 2018 i.e. that Ambridge represents a credible model for simulated counter-insurgency training. James’ work builds on that from Dr Nicola Headlam, Dr Tim Vercellotti and Charlotte Bilby on the power dynamics and political networks in Ambridge.

just a note – James Armstrong pulls on the informal networks in the village and has used the Headlam Hypothesis and strength of weak ties work from the Lincoln paper but not the updated one from this year in Reading. The methodology remains sound but needs revising. 

James – wherever you are?? Love from AA

Dr Jerome Turner has returned to his interest in Archers fans. He was a star of the fandom panel in Reading where we turned our gaze firmly inward to seek to explore the aspects of Archers Fandom. The fandom panel in full;


we will return to these papers at future Saturday Omnibus sessions.

Claire Astbury, Sarah Kate Merry, Helen Burrows and Jez Turner are our fandom home team for Reading 2020.

Jerome Turner’s paper: From kitchens to smartphones: Updating our understanding of The Archers listening practices in the digital age - situating this work in theory. Was rooted in his auto-ethnographic work undercover as various handles which will be familiar to tweetalongers - Jerome’s first piece for us was on ‘Being @borsetpolice which is in Custard (AIAGB)

This piece set the tone for this thread of work charting the ways in which the internet has evolved through the emergence of social media, so too have the communicative practices of The Archers listeners. Many of them (us) now use Twitter to comment, discuss the show or participate in the omnibus episode ‘tweetalong’.

Primarily, this chapter recognises the hundred-plus Twitter accounts which have been created by listeners to authentically roleplay characters, organisations, animals and even objects from the show. I frame these practices and ground the chapter in academic discourses of ‘fan fiction’. Reflecting on my own activity as @borsetpolice, I look at the role and place of this fan fiction from the individual practitioner’s perspective but also the wider listener base. In this chapter, I develop an argument that these practices contribute towards the community of listeners online, as well as the show itself. I explore the types of activities and accounts involved, where they often focus around major storylines, and then reflect in detail on the individual’s motivations and practice. I situate this in terms of an opportunity to become involved in an online community that aspires towards everyday rural ideals, and how this can be understood as a significant affective experience for listeners. This need for escapism into ‘banal’ worlds, the desire to participate, and the sense that fan fiction is a game that we take part in are also drawn out as significant.

Trigger Warning. I cannot listen to Bronwen’s paper. I am currently a dog person without a dog and we lost 4 dogs in 5 years having rescued them and loved them. So I must disconnect as you enjoy

 Death at Ambridge Hall: How the Archers demonstrates the impact on owners when they lose animals. – Bronwen Williams

Nicola's intro to the 4 April Saturday Omnibus papers

This morning we are delighted to welcome 2 presenters and an in absentia replay of a famous paper.   First up we have Abi Pattenden with “Seeming, seeming: ‘Othello’, The Archers, and Rob Titchenor.   Picking up the theme of intertextuality developed in the Jarman and Baker paper last week where Freya warned us that extended work comparing Rob Tichenor to TJ Mackie of Magnolia would be another “mostly mad” enterprise (game on Freya!!) we have seen over the years some wonderful papers which arise from cultural and literary references far beyond Borsetshire.

Finding reference points and developing this comparison requires familiarity with both TA and other source material. So for these purposes TA becomes a text which then encounters another text, hence intertextuality. The term rose to prominence in the 90s as the condition of postmodernity led to cultural loops and remixes as norm;

Julia Kristeva’s definition, in her essay “Word, Dialogue and Novel,” reads: intertextuality is “a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another. The notion of intertextuality replaces that of intersubjectivity, and poetic language is read as at least double” (Kristeva 85, cited in Moi 37)

As for example the film work of Quentin Tarantino is viewed as intensely intertextual as the references to; blaxploitation, spaghetti westerns, epic cinema and videogaming telegraph immersion and sophistication to those familiar with those sub=genres.  A feature of an intertextual approach is the use of jump/cut. With Playfulness as regards references. The approach encourages collapsing of the distinction between high and mass culture…. So boy do we have a jump cut for you this morning… 

@Abi Pattenden used to tweet as @muchadoaboutambridge as she saw Shakespearean references threaded through the life of the village.  This is another paper from the deep back catalogue presented at Finsbury Square in the first year and Abi has followed up in subsequent years with papers on death and in reading virtually on the Funeral of Joe Grundy.  This vein of interest is because IRL Abi is a funeral director and the most recent past president of the national association of funeral directors. This work, particularly in this moment is intense and emotional (just like abi) she has been explaining some fo the challenges on her twitter account. Abi has an emotional support stuffed animal called piglet who travels with her (fun fact, so does reader in music dr freya jarman… a mouse) the meeting of these avtars at the Lincoln conference was one of those academic archers moments which truly makes you think about your life choices.

The paper is in the first book The Archers in Fact and Fiction: Academic Analyses of Life in Rural Borsetshire, which was published by Peter Lang in 2016

Available in all good bookshops.

Remember the high/mass jump cut… Before he had even presented the paper at this year’s AA we had awarded Gary Gilday with a prize. A retro stopwatch for the “”we’ve been waiting for you” category. ” I think maybe Gary was surprised by the lovebombing he received at Reading as he firmly buddied up with kindred spirits. His first conference we hope will not be his last.

With a 30 year run under its belt The Simpsons is, like the Archers so familiar as to be part of the wallpaper – it is the longest running scripted drama in the US much as TA is the longest running here.  The Simpsons appealing brand of liberal subversion (and position on the Fox network) in preparation I watched an episode this morning about Homer trying not to expose Bart to gay men and was laughing out loud! “modern culture has a distinctly swishifying effect on boys and men” Clearly AA has a similarly swishifying effect although heterosexuals are tolerated. We have had a series of papers over the years on Queer Ambridge, from Karen Pollock “Queering Shula” to how TA reflects heteronormativity by Bill Patten. Anyway I digress.

Gary curates the inherited the archers blog https://archersfan.blogspot.com/

and has recently received content from Timothy Bentick and Susie Riddell regarding the hiatus and when Coronavirus will come to the village. All this has been helpfully shared with us on our facebook page to thanks for sharing Gary. This paper, which serves to underscore that small communities, whether Ambridge or Springfield share many (many) common features… The Archers Vs The Simpsons: What would happen when two very similar worlds collide?


Nicola's intro to the 28 March Saturday Omnibus papers

For our first ever zoom Saturday Omnibus looking back over the 6 productive years of academic archers we had two absolute masterclasses in the theory and practice of Ambridgology.

Dr Freya Jarman, a reader in Music at the University of Liverpool and her PhD student Emily Baker exploded into our world the following year, at the Lincoln conference, although we had loved them since their brilliant abstract came in. Lincoln was the first time we had had tried the blended peer review scheme with double blind anonymised peer review processes from listeners as well as the programming committee. This was a rather fun innovation which I manage.

This paper which pays close attention to the 4 pieces of music playing in the background of the infamous night that Helen snapped and stabbed her gaslighting husband Rob Tichenor. shows some of the multi layering in the production of TA.  Emily did extensive research with the writer Tim Stimson in order to obtain insights into the creative process. 

These were;

•            The Eagles, Lying Eyes

•            Corrine Bailey Rae, Is this love?

•            Amy Winehouse, You know I’m no Good

•            Aimee Mann, Wise Up


The paper was awarded the inaugural award for audience participation as it was Dr Jarman who began our relationship with dumteedum through the singing of the theme tune into speakpipe on the day.  It was Dr Peter Matthews who introduced Cara and Nicola on twitter as we fulminated about community consultation over Route B. His paper on Lynda Snell at the first Academic Archers conference at the University of Liverpool in London in Finsbury Square led to many reappraisals of the role of La Snell in the village. Peter’s lovely mum is an academic archer and came to our speaking event at Ilkley Literature Festival last year. Peter’s Lynda Paper is in the first book of conference proceedings The Archers in Fact and Fiction: Academic Analyses of Life in Rural Borsetshire, which was published by Peter Lang in 2016.  We didn’t have prizes the first year as like with so many of things that have become the way we do things we just added in new things as we went along.


To see us through the Archer-less Saturdays for the foreseeable times of isolation , we will host an Academic Archers Saturday Omnibus for anyone to join.

What: An hour and 15 minutes where we watch vids of past Academic Archers papers and have a jolly old chinwag about them.

Who: anyone can join in, and we welcome those that have presented before to present again this way.

When: Saturdays, 11 am to 12.15 pm (and we can keep the channel open if you want to continue chatting), starting 28th March

How: Zoom

What next: put the date in your diary, await our sign-up info, tell your Archers-listening friends.

About Zoom and how to use it

Zoom is a free online video conferencing tool. It can work from your computer, phone or tablet.

You will need to have a Zoom account to use it. This is free and can be got from https://zoom.us/ or via its app (from whatever app store you use.) Do this in good time before the session starts to save the hassle on Saturday.

Each Zoom session has its own unique link and this will be posted each week for the following Saturday. It will be posted to the Facebook page and to the homepage of academicarchers.net. You don’t have to be logged into Zoom to join a session.

Click on the link and you will be asked if you want to join that meeting – click ‘Join a Meeting’ when prompted. Commonly you will be asked by Zoom is join using your camera and microphone – click yes to both (the camera can be turned off and the audio muted later on if you prefer, but do allow them to begin with.)

On joining the session, you will see a screen of all the people in the session, with a controls bar along the bottom and different screen layouts buttons on the top right.

Once you have joined the Zoom session, you can:

1.       turn off the camera if you don’t want people to see you – your name will show in its place. Click the camera icon in the controls bar. You can toggle this on and off as you like.

2.       you can turn off the microphone so people can’t hear the noise from where you are. Click the microphone icon the controls bar. You can toggle this on and off as you like.

3.       you can chat to all the people in the session or just one – click the ‘chat’ icon in the controls bar and a side panel will open with the chat in it (looks very much like a Facebooks message format.)

4.       you can leave the session at any time – click the ‘leave meeting’ button in the bottom right corner. If you want to rejoin, click back on the Zoom link.

Get yourself used to these as we will use them in the Saturday Omnibus sessions. The person leading the session will also share their computer screen with you – this is just a way for you to see what is on their screen and does not interfere with your computer/phone/tablet. Cara and Nicola cannot answer your IT questions and if you have any queries about using Zoom, please look at the video tutorials on its website.  

Omnibus etiquette

·       If you join at the start of the session, before we begin to look at the vids, say a ‘hello’ and then please mute your microphone. You can wave to others as they join or say hello to them in the chat space.

·       If you join when the session is underway, please mute your microphone and say hello with a wave or in the chat space.

·       Please keep your microphone on mute at all times, unless you are speaking. Background noise, the sound of typing, even of breathing, is all picked up and amplified around the chat space which is a distraction for all, and particularly hard for the person speaking to concentre though.

·       If you have a question to ask or a comment to make, please either post this in the chat space or wave, and Cara and Nicola will come to you. When you come to speak, please unmute your microphone and then mute it again when finished.

·       Cara and Nicola will be reading the chat space and will share the comments made.

·       At the end of the session, Cara and Nicola will ask if you want to keep chatting, and if so, will keep the session open (though they may leave the session themselves.)

To whet your conference appetite...

A blog post from conference speaker and Academic Archers royalty, Claire Astbury, of her presentation, ‘Fans, Flouncers, Fundamentalists: Navigating the subcultures of online Archers fan spaces.’

When I want to comment on The Archers, although I am one of those lucky fans who do know fellow listeners in real life, I usually choose to say something online. I might tweet using the hashtag #TheArchers, I might leave a message for the Archers fan podcast DumTeeDum, or I might add to a message thread on one of the Archers Facebook groups I am a member of.

What drives people to set up, join, or leave a fan group? I surveyed over 1000 Archers fans who engage online and also asked questions of group moderators. Over half of the moderators who responded to my questionnaire had established an online group to meet a need they didn’t feel was met elsewhere in cyberspace, Perhaps that's why 30%  of those who engage online said they had left a group because of the atmosphere or tone.  The role of moderators in setting the rules and tone for their group was commented on by members and moderators alike.

Archers fans congregate online to talk about the programme but also to talk about completely different things; their pets, their knitting, their politics, their menopause. My survey identified over 70 separate Facebook groups, alongside Archers discussion threads on other message boards and dedicated websites.  One respondent commented: “There is a wide variety of options which means any fan should be able to find a group/groups they feel suits their needs” whilst others mentioned feeling part of a family, finding their tribe and the life changing impact of finding fellow listeners online.

When it comes to slang, euphemisms and favourite characters, there are many similarities across Archers fans regardless of what platform they use or group they belong to.  The most commonly recognised terms that I tested related to nicknames for key characters.   Some terms such as “Flouncing” emerged not from the programme, but in online fan spaces. “Flouncing” – leaving a group or announcing the intention to leave, often accompanied by a photo of an ostentatious flouncing frock, has now become a well-established custom across a range of platforms.  Other customs are specific to certain groups – the fundamentalist beliefs of the Archers Anarchists for example, who refuse to accept it is a scripted drama with actors. Borchester Asylum, a subgroup of Archers Anarchists, was mentioned by several people and is an example of one of the subgroups and subcultures which have emerged from longer-established fan forums.

When people find the group or groups that are right for them, they are loyal and enthusiastic about their online experience. 

I asked fans about the benefits of their engagement with online communities and several themes emerged. Firstly it's clear that talking about The Archers online enhances listeners experience of the programme and encourages people to listen at all, especially during difficult storylines.

For listeners outside of the UK, the ability to talk to someone about the programme online was significant.  Three quarters of non-British listeners outside of the UK did not know anyone else who listens, except for people online, a figure which was only true for one sixth of UK based British listeners.

The friendships and support of fellow online fans was commented on by many people and was especially valued by older respondents. Nearly half of the fans aged over 70 said they had made friends and had emotional or practical support from among an online fan community.

One in ten of the people responding to the survey had been involved in a pre-internet Archers fan group, mainly via post, but only about one in a hundred were still engaged in those off-line groups.

Overall the research I have done shows that Archers fans value meeting in an online space to meet each other, to talk about the program or indeed anything else. Online groups develop their own language, rituals and atmosphere although many of the nicknames and euphemisms used by fans are common across the fan space. This may be because, with such a wide variety of groups, individual Archers listeners can join multiple groups for different discussions. New groups spring up to meet changing needs and The Archers fan multiverse continues to develop.